I have joined CraftArt's Design Team December last year (Polish art supplies store which you should absolutely check) and as a part of our collaboration I was to make an 'inspiration' for January. Well, what better way to start new year (yes I know it's far from beginning of the year now but it's all still relevant!) than with a calendar and one you can make yourself!
What will you need:
calendar template - you can find it online or create it in any design software but honestly there's sooo many free ones out there :)
waterproof, synthetic paper
alcohol inks
blender for alcohol inks
porporina or metallic dry pigment
piece of a cardboard
latex gloves (gotta protect your hands :))
double sided tape
picture frame
Step 1: Print your calendar template on the synthetic paper and cut to size
Step 2: Paint all sides of the calendar so when it's attached to your artwork it blends more (this step is totally optional, I just thought it looked better that way)
Step 3: Create your background
On a separate piece of synthetic paper paint your abstraction. I've used blue, magenta and white alcohol inks blended with blender and moved around with a hair dryer. To get that pretty silver shine I've used silver dry pigment. Best way is to put a tiny bit of pigment onto your artwork, add 2 drops on ink, then 2 drops of blender (can be more if you're using a lot of pigment) and move it around with a hair dryer - you need to play around and see what amount of ink/blender works best for you. Continue until you're happy with your creation. In case you're not sure how to use alcohol inks check my youtube channel for tutorial videos.
Remember: don't overdo it :) If you feel you're done you probably are... stop adding more elements! ;)
Step 4: Attach calendar to your artwork using double sided tape and the cardboard pieces. Cardboard piece should go between your artwork and calendar to give it a nice 3D effect - calendar will be sticking out.
Step 5: Put your calendar inside a picture frame
Step 6: Hang your new calendar! :D
Well done, you've done all the steps and now you have new, functional piece of artwork you can give to someone as a gift or hang proudly on a wall :) Woohoo!
Hope you enjoyed reading this blog post.
Want to learn more about alcohol inks? Get my e-book HERE